Electrical Wiring & Rewiring in Singapore | Laying Wires and Cables

Electrical rewiring can easily set you back by SGD900 to SGD2,000 onwards, depending on the size of your property (eg. can be a 3-room HDB flat to a condominium unit). The exact project cost depends on the size of the apartment, the ease of access to the old wiring, and the number of electrical points (like lighting points, power points, air conditioner points, and water heater points).

Should You Rewire the House or Apartment?

We are in contact with electrical appliances every day and having a house with electrical hazards is definitely a concern to us. Should you rewire the resale house or apartment you just bought? It may be good to consult an electrician and get them to assess the need. As usual, many electricians would advise that you rewire for safety reasons and to free themselves of potential liability if there are electrical accidents. The general guide for rewiring if your house or apartment is more than 10 years old and you notice the following signs:

The above is just a general guide and not comprehensive or exhaustive. It is always a decision between taking the risk and saving the money or being safe and spending the money. If you decide not to rewire, you have to live with the risk that comes with it.

Electrical Rewiring Service by Licensed Electrician

It is important that such a major task is performed by licensed, qualified and experienced electrician. You would not want to face a situation where the rewiring is not done properly and discover an electrical issue when you move into the new premises. To rectify the rewiring after you have moved into your premises will cause a big headache. The price for rewiring, if reasonable, should proceed as long as the licensed electrician is reliable and experienced. Safety is more important than saving that couple of dollars for rewiring work. Our office is able to provide you with an affordable electrical rewiring quote, please call now or Contact Us for more information.

Besides the rewiring of houses and apartments, we also provide LED light installation, various light repair services and other electrical repair work.